Deyes Careers Standard

Deyes achieves Careers Standard



Deyes High School is celebrating after achieving the Quality in Careers Standard, the national quality award for careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools and colleges.

Quality in Careers Standard is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance, and DfE (Department for Education) “strongly recommends all secondary schools and colleges to work towards this qualification.

To achieve the Standard, schools and colleges submit their careers education and guidance programme for rigorous external assessment and accreditation. The Standard requires secondary schools to demonstrate that their careers programme has strong leadership from the Head Teacher, the senior leadership team, and the governing body, has effective training for staff involved in planning and delivering the careers programme and includes all pupils and students.

Mrs. Beaney, Head of School, said: “We are delighted to achieve this highly sought after accreditation recognising our careers programme including education, enterprise, and work-related learning opportunities for students. Parents can be confident that the careers support provided at Deyes will help their children gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take control of their futures.”

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