
Deyes High School Numeracy Across the Curriculum Strategy

At Deyes High School every effort is made to ensure there is a consistent approach to numerical methods and teaching pedagogy across the curriculum. The numerical aspect of Maths appears in many subjects, therefore the Maths department collaborates with all subjects to develop the most efficient and effective approaches to Numeracy, in particular STEM subjects which it is an integral part of.

Below is a guide to the ‘Numeracy Across the curriculum Strategy’ within Deyes High School, click on each link to find out more.

Rationale and Guidance

Section 1

This section sets out some examples of formal written methods for all four operations to illustrate the methods that we recommend using to reinforce student’s numeracy skills. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list; however, we would expect these common approaches used wherever possible to reinforce learning across the school.

1. Addition and Subtraction

2. Multiplication

3. Division

4. Order of Operations

5. Percentage Calculations

Section 2

The following section outlines approaches used to introduce and reinforce some key cross curricular Mathematical skills. This is not an exhaustive list of all Mathematical content covered in every subject within the school, but it does cover the biggest overarching skills used across the curriculum.

6. Substitution into Formula

7. Solving Equations

8. Rearranging formula

9. Charts and Graphs

Further materials to support the use of these methods and additional guidance is available from the Maths Department.
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