Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is an additional annual payment to schools for each ‘disadvantaged’ student that attends their school.

The definition of a disadvantaged child is any student who has received a free school meal in the last six years, has been in care for one day or more or is a child in service. This funding is given in recognition that, nationally, disadvantaged students do not perform as well as their non-disadvantaged peers. Schools decide how the Pupil Premium Grant is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made in supporting individual pupils.

We have a strong belief that quality first teaching is the priority to support students to improve their skills. Emphasis is placed on improving and investing in teaching and learning to ensure students get taught by a quality teacher rather than be withdrawn for intervention/ catch up. We aim to ensure that the provision for Pupil Premium students is seen throughout everything we do at Deyes High School in terms of teaching and learning, and is not an ‘add on’ to what we already provide. Deyes High School intends to promote an ethos of achievement for all pupils and deliver a personalised approach to addressing barriers.

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