Food Technology

“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world people eat together.” Guy Fieri, American restaurateur


Everyone needs to consume food on a daily basis, our aim is to develop an understanding of food, healthy eating, and food preparation. They will then be able to make informed decisions in adult life about the food they are consuming. Food is a creative, practical and fun subject, it is the only subject where students actually get an end product to take home. Producing a food product that is then shared with family and friends gives a real sense of achievement and self-worth, with all ability students are able to achieve.

Curriculum Intent

  • We aim to develop a love for food and appreciate its importance in our life, also the consequences of a poor diet in Britain today.
  • We aim to develop a wide range of practical skills to enjoy the subject to its full and a love of preparing food and experimenting with different ingredients, flavours, textures etc.
  • We aim through largely practical lessons we encourage confidence when preparing, making and cooking food, which in turn leads to an independence in the kitchen and allows students to develop a highly valuable life skills.
  • We aim to develop the complexity of skills builds through KS3 resulting in Year 9 pupils being able to plan, modify and successfully prepare and cook well balanced meal options.
  • We aim to understand the functions of ingredients and the Science of food.
  • We aim to know and understand the consequences of poor food choices and the diet related illness they can cause.

At a Glance

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Curriculum Implementation

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F​urther reading

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