
Regular attendance is fundamental to any student’s academic success. Students who have high attendance figures tend to achieve high levels of attainment in all key stages and especially in GCSE & A-Level results.
Full attendance is a vital part of making progress in your learning and achieving your full potential.
  • Attending school every day demonstrates commitment.
  • Commitment is a skill that is valued by colleges, apprenticeships, universities and employers.
  • Colleges, apprenticeships, universities and employers will see a record of school attendance.

The School expects all students to aim for 100% attendance as this provides the best foundation for progress by allowing the curriculum to be delivered fully and uninterrupted. As a result, students’ attendance percentage is included on the termly report sent to parents.

Attendance of 97% or above is regarded as acceptable and should be achieved with an average amount of illness (this still equates to 5 days of absence across the academic year).

Any student with an attendance record below 96% is deemed to be ‘below target’ by the School and any student with an attendance record of 90% or below is deemed as ‘Persistently Absent’ by the government.

Any attendance level that creates a cause for concern would initiate intervention by the school. This could be as simple as a ‘chat’ with the form teacher or may, in more severe circumstances, lead to the involvement of agencies outside of the school.

Put yourself in the lead, be in school every day!



At Deyes High School, we believe that time management and punctuality are lifelong skills and an expectation of the country’s leading universities and employers. Students are expected to be on the school site and in their form rooms/lessons by their designated start time.

Attendance Officers

The Attendance Officer manages attendance. If you are absent from school without an explanation they will contact home to find out why you are not in school.

Our Attendance Officer is:

Miss Michelle Ariss - E: t: 0151 526 3814

NHS illness guide

Click here for NHS advice on common childhood illnesses and attending school.

Penalty Notice Fines For School Attendance

C​lick here for new information on changes to Penalty Notice Fines in place from August 2024.

Holiday Requests

Holidays booked during term time will be unauthorised unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which case we must know about this in advance, please use the below form to submit your holiday request:

F​requently Asked Questions

M​y child is unwell, what should I do?

Please contact us via Synergy – student absence. Here you can inform us with a brief explanation of the nature of the illness. Alternatively, please call the school absence line no later than 8.30am, 0151 5263814 (Option 2), leaving a message stating your child’s name, tutor group and a brief explanation of the nature of the illness. Contact is requested for every day of absence unless you have spoken directly with the Attendance Manager and a return date has been agreed.

W​hy do I need to contact the school every day?

We cannot assume that a student is unwell just because they were off school the previous day. If you believe an absence due to illness may be prolonged, please contact us so that we can make arrangements to avoid you calling daily. Please note, if an absence is long term, we will contact you to arrange home visits.

I know in advance that my child needs to leave school early for an appointment, what should I do?

Contact us in advance via Synergy- student absence. Leave information on when the appointment is and the day and time your child needs to leave school. They will be issued with a peach pass which they need to collect from Student Reception on the day of the appointment. Please note- medical evidence is usually required by school and can be requested.

I have just remembered that I need to collect my child during the school day, or I have forgotten to contact prior to an appointment, what should I do?

In the first instance, please call us on 0151 5263814. However, it is not always possible to locate students straight away, for example during lunch or break times. Alternatively, you can message on Synergy.

My child is late or going to be late

If you can make us aware of a lateness in advance (i.e. due to late bus etc) please let us know as soon as possible via Synergy. The school day starts at 8.40am so any student arriving at school after this time is classed as late. All students that are arriving at school late, should either sign in at the gate prior to 9am or sign in at student reception after 9am. Sefton have updated their attendance guidance which advises that any student registering after 9.30am are given a U mark, which is classed as unauthorised absence. Please speak to the school if you have any issues with your child’s lateness.

I wish to take my child out of school for a family holiday (or other leave of absence) during term time

Leave of absence will only be granted in Exceptional Circumstances and can only be authorised by the Headteacher. Exceptional Circumstances are defined as ‘one-off’ occasions where a request for leave of absence is unavoidable and does not cover annually occurring family holiday. Absence from school that is unauthorised (for example a family holiday) is likely to be subject to referral to Sefton Council for a PCN notice. Please complete a Leave of Absence Request (link below) and submit no later than two weeks prior to the start of the leave. See further information about term time holidays on the penalty notice link.


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