
“The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of the world; appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents and, in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together” Barack Obama


The Geography Department encourages students to be curious and enthusiastic about the ever-changing world we live in. Students extend their knowledge of human and physical processes that shape the world we live in today by studying a broad range of interesting and stimulating topics


Curriculum Intent

We aim to offer an exciting and engaging curriculum, where students develop a curiosity about the world whilst developing geographical knowledge and skills to provide them with the tools needed throughout their education and beyond.

We want our curriculum to give pupils a sense of place by learning about countries, cities and regions from different continents, at different levels of development. We want to challenge place misconceptions they may have and give them a balanced sense of their world.

We want pupils at all Key stages to be able to understand how physical processes have shaped the landscape we live in and continue to do so today. We want to give pupils opportunities to explore the relationships between humans and the natural landscape, how we are causing changes to the earth and trying to manage them.

We always strive to promote collaborative work within lessons so pupils are fully engaged and can develop individual and teamwork skills to make them better learners throughout School.

We build the Cultural Capital of our students by helping them to understand the contemporary world around them. Students learn about how political decisions can cause change in the world around them. They learn about the powerful economic forces around them that are bringing about changes to the way that will affect their future careers. Socially the students learn about how countries are at different stages of development and how the lives of people living there are very different. Geography also helps to explain the many environmental issues that are changing the world in which these students live and how to make sense of these effects, with sustainability threaded throughout the curriculum. As a powerful bridging subject geography has strong cross curricular links to many of the cultural capital topics the students will study in school. We promote careers and give pupils the opportunity to experience fieldwork, both on site and in the local area.

Curriculum Implementation

Click here for more information about curriculum implementation.

Curriculum at a Glance

Click here to see an overview of the Geography curriculum

W​ider reading

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