Modern Foreign Languages

"To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world"


Our vision in the Modern Foreign Languages department is to encourage all language learners to develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as 'World Citizens', who are curious about and thrive in the multicultural society in which we live. Learning another language provides learners with the valuable opportunity to develop positive attitudes to, and respect for, languages, traditions, and cultures other than their own. Through engaging teaching and learning we provoke curiosity and awareness of how language evolves and reflects different perspectives. Communication is the cornerstone of languages, through which students solve problems and develop logical thinking to make sense of the ever-changing diverse world around them.

Curriculum Intent

Overarching curriculum intent for MFL:

    • Develop a greater understanding of the world around us and promote languages as a skill for life
    • Expand students' cultural knowledge whilst developing their language skills and linguistic competence through the three pillars of grammar, vocabulary and phonics.
    • Sequence knowledge to encourage all students across the range of abilities to apply language across a variety of contexts with confidence
    • Engage learners by consistently using a variety of activities which incorporate the 4 skills; speaking, listening, reading, writing
    • Enable all students to express themselves spontaneously in spoken and written language whilst also developing the confidence to do so
    • Encourage students to deduce meaning from a variety of short and longer spoken/written texts whilst also recognising and responding to key information
    • Challenge students of all abilities with an ambitious curriculum which promotes students’ resilience and independence through problem solving and deeper thinking.

Curriculum Implementation

C​lick here for more information about curriculum implementation.

Curriculum Map Overviews

Click here for an overview of the MFL curriculum


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