Year 9 Options


We want to make sure that you have everything you need to make the best choices when deciding on the subjects you want to study in Year 10.

This page is packed with information, guidance and videos prepared by our subject leaders to give you a glimpse into studying our subject options. Just click on the links and get started!


Message from our Headteacher Mrs Beaney



Our Headteacher Mrs Beaney, welcomes you to our Year 9 Guided Choices process and explains why it is important that you consider your options wisely. 

CLICK HERE to read her welcome.



Message from Mr Delaney, Assistant Headteacher

Meet Mr. Delaney Assistant Head Teacher and the Year 9 Guided Choices process co-ordinator as he extends a warm welcome and offers advice on making your important decisions.

CLICK HERE to read his welcome.


Not Just Qualifications

This booklet contains all of the information you need to help with your Year 10 subject Choices. 

CLICK HERE to read it.


Subjects and Courses

Find out more in-depth detail about our subjects and courses as you watch our specially prepared VIDEOS.


We hope that this page has helped you to make your Year 10 Choices.

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