Exam Information

For all the exam information for both Year 11 and the Sixth Form please see below.

Confirmed Summer 2024 Exam Timetable

S​ummer 2024 Exam Timetable

Exam Boards:

Year 11 Exam Boards

Year 13 Exam Boards

JCQ information for candidates

JCQ Information / Exam Guidelines:

JCQ Information for Candidates

PPE Examination Guidelines

E​xam Day Checklist

U​sing Social Media and Exams Guidance

P​rivacy Notice for Candidates

Enquiries / Appeals:

Enquiries/Appeals/Requests Booklet

Results Enquiries Form


Exams and Data Officer

Emily Akins, Email : e.akins@deyeshigh.co.uk, Telephone : 0151 526 3814

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