Personal Development

Personal Development Curriculum

At Deyes High School, we wholeheartedly believe in the development of the whole child, and that achieving outstanding outcomes means both academically and personally. We deliver our ‘Personal Development’ curriculum through a range of opportunities, cohesively underpinned by our vision and values.

The Personal Development offer at Deyes fulfils the Department for Education requirements in relation to Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), Relationships Education and Health Education. The personal development programme is designed to ensure our students adopt positive attitudes and values, and are aware of their own needs and problems, as well as those of society in general.

All experiences are built around the school's vision and values. The personal development programme also includes emphasis on Careers Education and Fundament British Values.

While students’ personal development is ensured throughout the academic curriculum in a range of subjects, it is also the discreet focus of this additional Personal Development Programme, which comprises multiple elements to provide students with opportunities develop and nurture their character.

Daily Components

Year 7 students are introduced to values within Tutor time. They also receive daily notices and announcements.

Weekly Components

Each week the whole school engages in a think piece session which revolves around a shared topic called ‘Thought for the Week’.

Year groups have an assembly each week, led by their Progress & Development Manager (Head of Year), the Head teacher or other school leader. Students are also actively encouraged to plan and lead assemblies to their peers through our form time assembly slots and through student leadership opportunities.

Termly Components

Once per fortnight, students experience a ‘Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) lesson’ which is delivered by their Form Tutor. These lessons build through their time at Deyes and follow a carefully planned sequence. These lessons have been structured through consultation with the government guidance, primary school input, staff, student and parent voice. Learning journeys have been created for SMSC and can be found on the school website under ‘SMSC’

Personal Development Learning Journeys

Please explore the various strands of our Personal Development curriculum by clicking below:

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