Parents Evenings

For more information about making virtual appointments and participating in virtual meetings, click here.

T​o access our booking system, click here.

Years 7-10 have one Parent consultation evening per year and Year 11 students have two.

The updated Parent Consultation evenings for this academic year are below:

Year 7 - 16th May 2024

Year 8 - 25th April 2024

Year 9 - 12th January 2024

Year 10 - 1st December 2024

Year 11 - 6th October 2022 / 30th March 2023

Year 12 & 13 - Thursday 29th February 2024 / 16th May KS5 catch up

Click below
for admission

More information here

Parent Pledge

We never turn a parent
away and always want to hear
your opinions
Click here to contact us

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