Special Educational Needs


Deyes High School aims to provide meaningful and effective learning support for all pupils with Special Educational Needs.

We follow a graduated approach to SEN support, providing inclusive classroom environments to ensure that pupils make the best possible progress.

We aim to create a safe, caring and supportive setting for pupils to develop into young adults who are well prepared for when they move on to their next phase of education, employment or training.

SEND Statutory Information

To access our SEND related Trust and School policies CLICK HERE

SEND Contact Details:
If you have any concerns about your child’s development and would like to seek advice and/or support, please do not hesitate to contact our SEND Senior Leader Mrs K Ainsworth - k.ainsworth@deyeshigh.co.uk


SEND Aims and Objectives


To provide the structure for a pupil-centred process that engages pupil, family, school and other professionals in planning for and implementing high quality, needs led provision that is consistent across the school. This is to ensure all of our students are able to access the same opportunities for learning and social development achieving maximum progress, fulfilling their potential and promoting their well-being.


  • Ensure the Equality Act 2010 duties for students with disabilities are met,
  • Enable students with special educational needs to have their needs met,
  • Take into account the views of the students with special educational needs,
  • Encourage good communication and genuine partnerships with parents/carers of children with special educational needs,
  • Facilitate full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the foundation stage and the National Curriculum, for students with special educational needs,
  • Make arrangements to support students with medical conditions and to have regard to statutory guidance supporting students at school with medical conditions,
  • Implement a graduated approach to meeting the needs of students using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process,
  • Develop a culture of inclusion valuing high quality teaching for all learners, with teachers using a range of effective differentiation methods,
  • Employ a collaborative approach with learners with a SEN or disability, their families, staff within school, other external agencies including those from Health and Social Care,
  • Set appropriate individual learning outcomes based on prior achievement, high aspirations and the views of the learner and family,
  • Share expertise and good practice across the school and local learning community,
  • Make efficient and effective use of school resources,
  • Have regard to the Code of Practice (2014) for the identification, assessment, support and review of special educational needs,
  • Identifying and supporting Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.


Our External Partners



At Deyes we have support from Outreach Support Service in Mainstream Education (OSSME). This is part of Autism Initiatives and is a specialist outreach education support service commissioned by mainstream and specialist schools, colleges, universities, families, the Local Authority and other professionals.

Read more here.

Click here to meet the SEND Team

Click here to find useful information and links

Frequently Asked Questions

SEND Glossary of Terms

Click below
for admission

More information here

Parent Pledge

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away and always want to hear
your opinions
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