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Amazing Addams Family Show

Amazing Addams Family Show

16 Jul 2024

Well done to the cast and crew of Addams Family for delivering three fabulous shows recently. As well as the two packed evening shows, we welcomed local primary school students to a special matinee which the Year 6 students found thoroughly entertaining. Head of School Mrs. Beaney said: “Well done

No To Negativity

No To Negativity

16 Jul 2024

This half-term we launched our “No to Negativity” campaign. The campaign is a school wide anti-bullying initiative to ensure we create a learning environment that is safe and secure for all students at Deyes High School. We used training and research from national charity, the Anti-Bullying

Deyes Careers Standard

Deyes Careers Standard

23 Jun 2024

Deyes High School is celebrating after achieving the Quality in Careers Standard, the national quality award for careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools and colleges. Quality in Careers Standard is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance,

Addams Family The Musical

Addams Family The Musical

13 Jun 2024

Our Performing Arts Department is delighted to announce that tickets for Addams Family on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3 July are now on sale from ParentPay. Come and see our talented students perform in the new musical comedy.

Open Evening 2024

Open Evening 2024

23 Apr 2024

O​ur Open Evening will take place on Thursday 19th September from 16.30 - 19.30. J​oin us to: T​our our brand new school building including state-of-the-art classrooms, creative and sports facilities M​eet our passionate teachers and student ambassadors H​ear from our Headteacher and meet our

Knife Crime fundraising campaign

Knife Crime fundraising campaign

18 Apr 2024

On Wednesday 17 April, hundreds of school children and staff from across Sefton, including Deyes High School, supported the #kNOwKnifeCrime campaign. Over 80 schools ran a mini-relay involving primary and secondary schools from across the borough to raise vital funds for specialist bleed kits

New School Building Opens

New School Building Opens

15 Apr 2024

On Thursday 15th April, Kier handed over the completed 10,000m² new school to Lydiate Learning Trust and Deyes High School. The modern building spans three floors and boasts a host of state-of-the-art facilities, including high-tech classrooms, specialist science laboratories, a learning resource

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience

21 Mar 2024

More than 200 Year 10 students spent a week on work experience placements this month to develop employability skills and help them pursue career pathways. Student Lucy said: “I chose to do my placement at Bellway Homes because I'm interested in property. It’s given me a good idea of how an office

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

20 Mar 2024

To celebrate International Women’s Day, our students had the opportunity to network with successful women from different business sectors. Guests included fashion designer Kirsty Doyle, Stephanie Clay, lead therapist at Aintree University Hospital, Sarah Morton (regional director at Kier) and

Our Best Deyes Celebration

Our Best Deyes Celebration

11 Mar 2024

Last week, we welcomed our alumni and ex-staff to an 'Our Best Deyes' event to celebrate our history and achievements at Deyes Lane campus. V​isitors toured the school and told us lots of stories about their time at Deyes.Performing Arts students provided entertainment during the afternoon tea

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