
The Careers Team at Deyes High School and College@Deyes engage all pupils as part of their academic and personal development so they can discover, learn and pursue careers and educational pathways that will help them achieve sustainable and fulfilling careers.

We provide our pupils with multiple learning opportunities to engage with the world of work through encounters with employers, professionals and opportunity providers allowing pupils to discover their strengths and interests whilst developing careers management skills that empower our learners to confidently move towards their long and short term career goals.

Every student at Deyes High School has a thorough, personalised and aspirational programme of careers events and personalised, independent careers guidance throughout their education. They are given support to whichever route they choose, whether this occurs at the end of KS4 or the end of KS5.

Our Careers provision intent:

  • Learners develop short- and long-term careers goals by having multiple opportunities to encounter the world of work through visits and in school activities
  • Learners are taken on a continuous path throughout their education that develops their career and self- awareness as well as essential career management skills enabling pupils to make informed decisions and applications throughout their personal and professional life
  • Careers promotes and recognises a variety or careers and life choices and will always support pupils to make careers choices that reflect pupils’ individual aspirations and personal situations by delivering person-centred and just in time careers support to everyone at Deyes High School.
  • The Careers department thrives to involve our local parent, professional and employer community in the delivery of Careers Education and we will always look for opportunities to engage with established and emerging partners to deliver a relevant and responsive careers curriculum.


Our Careers Offer

We provide a very detailed Careers Plan each year. O​ur activities include:
  • Careers Insight Breakfasts
  • Assembly talks
  • Business Networking Breakfasts
  • Mock Interviews
  • Careers Convention
  • Dropdown Days
  • Company visits
  • Support of subject delivery
  • Advertising job vacancies

Please contact  to find out more about our programme, impact and evaluations.

Our Careers programme is aligned to the Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance:

  • 1. A stable careers programme
  • 2. Learning from career and labour market information
  • 3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • 5. Encounters with employers and employees
  • 6. Experiences of workplaces
  • 7. Encounters with further and higher education
  • 8. Personal guidance



LLT Careers Information, Advice & Guidance Policy

P​rovider Access Policy

CEIAG Entitlement Statement

Post 16 Destinations Report

Post 18 Destinations Report


Deyes High School Careers Team:

For full details of the careers programme and any other enquiries, please contact:

  • Mrs L Dainton King, Careers & Employer Engagement Manager, Tel: 0151 526 3814, Email:
  • Mr B Rodgers – Head of PE, responsibe for Careers & Employer Engagement Manager

The following members of staff support College@Deyes Careers activities:

  • Ms. Griffith-Evans, Director of Sixth Form
  • Mrs Hartles, Assistant Director of Sixth Form / UCAS Support KS5
  • Apprenticeship Post 18 Support KS5 Mr. Norberry

Parental Engagement

Research shows that parents have the strongest influence on their children's career choices. We highly value our parental community and the experiences, knowledge and skills you can bring to the formal education of your children. We encourage our parents to support our Careers programme, for example providing career talks, mock interviews and work placements. If you're able to get involved please contact

If you need information to support your child's career decisions, see the following websites. If you need any further support, please contact the Careers team or speak to us during the next Parents Evening. have created guides to help parents and carers steer their children through the confusing world of careers choices. From university and apprenticeships to work experience and gap years, the guide covers it all.

If you are looking for Career support, make a free appointment with a National Careers Service Advisor who can support you regardless of your current employment status -

We continually measure and assess the impact of our programme on students in various ways, such as student, parent and tutor surveys, as well as inviting feedback from employers who get involved in activities. We also use destination data obtained by the careers team through individual follow up to monitor trends about where our students move onto.

2​024/25 key dates

  • F​riday 20 September, Careers Festival, Y9, 11, 12, 13
  • September - W​ork Experience Launched for Y10 and Y12
  • December - Loudspeaker event, Y11
  • March - Y10 work experience
  • March - Deep Learning Day
  • May - LJMU Step Up university event, Y9-10
  • June - Y12 work experience​
  • Deep Learning Day 26th June


Read about our various Careers events in our school newsletters here.

C​lick on the below links to read about a selection of Careers events.

W​ork Experience

W​ork Experience video

C​areers Festival Triumph

I​nternational Women's Day



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for admission

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Parent Pledge

We never turn a parent
away and always want to hear
your opinions
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