
Student Leadership

Deyes High School prides itself on being a school that nurtures the leadership potential of the future generation.

We strongly believe that genuine leadership opportunities help to build a stronger school community and empower students. Leadership roles deepen the sense of pride students feel about their school and enable them to develop leadership skills and contribute to school life. A huge range of opportunities of on offer for students to represent their peers and actively participate in the school community including:

  • Student Leaders
  • School Council
  • Peer Mentor
  • Faculty Leader (per subject)
  • Form Prefect
  • Green Team
  • Careers Leader

All students are actively encouraged to get involved with these leadership opportunities. They will be supported through the process of application and provided with training to successfully fulfil their roles.

Deyes currently has a large and active body of student leaders, with many roles available. These include School Council Members, Peer Mentors, Faculty Stars and Green Club Members.

Student Voice

Alongside the student leadership prospects, there are ample opportunities for students across the school for all students to have a voice. These include formalised opportunities for students to contribute their opinions and ideas with regards curriculum, social times, rewards, but to name a few. Feedback from these activities has resulted in changes to the school uniform and school environment, most recently the toilets.

Student Leadership Council

Our school and 6th form Student Leadership Councils give our students more of a say in how our school is run. Democratic elections take place each year to decide on representatives. Representatives gather feedback and suggestions from their form peers and discuss them at the monthly student leadership group meeting. Having been discussed by the pupils, these suggestions are then passed to the Senior Leadership Team to review. Students have come up with some wonderful suggestions and the implementation of these has had a positive impact upon the school.


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