Support for the Future

At College@Deyes, we challenge and support students to achieve their best. From your first day at College@Deyes, our team will help you with any problems you encounter.

Your Tutor will meet you when you first arrive and will monitor your progress throughout your time here. Tutors are your first point of contact for help and advice. They will guide you through the UCAS process and support you with your personal statement.

We will provide you with Study Support to help improve your learning techniques and your academic ability.

We will help you plan your future so you can pursue a successful career. We will use our extensive experience to provide you with the resources and advice to ensure effective career planning. Click here for more information.

Our College@Deyes team is always there to help you with any queries.


Click here to find out about our Careers programme.

University Support

Please contact Mr. Heywood via if you require further information.


Please contact Mr. Norbury via if you require further information.

U​seful Resources

Apprenticeships & Employment

Preparation for Employment

University Information

Useful Higher Education Websites

Click below
for admission

More information here

Parent Pledge

We never turn a parent
away and always want to hear
your opinions
Click here to contact us

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