W​e've gathered frequently asked questions to help students and parents prepare for their transition to Deyes High School.

Q​: When is the first day of the academic year in September 2025?

A: The Year 7 and Year 12 students start back on their own on (date to be added). The other year groups return the day after on (date to be added) at 8.35am prompt. This extra day allows some quiet time for the Year 7s to settle in with our staff and our specially selected student leaders who also accompany them on their first day to show them around. Students need to be in full school uniform from day one.

Q: What time does school start?

You need to be on the school site BEFORE 8.35am and be on the MUGA (covered sports yard) waiting for your Form Tutor to collect you as form time starts at 8.40am exactly.

Q: What uniform does my child need?

All uniform requirements are included in the parent handbook which you will receive in the post or click here to read our website page. There is a basic school uniform which will be worn every day, a PE kit and aprons available to buy. We have school suppliers but many of the smaller items can also be bought from Main Reception at Deyes throughout the summer holidays. Please pay due care when choosing school shoes for your child as these will be checked as they arrive in September. Shoes must be formal with a heel for the boys and no adornments or designs for the girls. Please find additional guidance on our school website about appropriate footwear.

Q: What colour tie will the new Year 7 students wear?

A: Year 7 ties will have a (colour to be added in 2025) band. Students will keep the same colour throughout the school until they leave in Year 11.

Q: Who do I contact if I need to speak to my child during the school day?

A: Please phone Main Reception and speak to our reception team. They will be able to get a message to your child in the case of an emergency.

Q: Do you allow mobile phones in school?

A: We realise you may wish for your child to have a mobile phone, which we understand. We do not allow them to be used at school for social purposes, but some teachers may wish for students to use them to aid learning within the classroom. We have launched our communication platform called Synergy this year where you will be able to view your child’s attendance, achievement points, behaviour points and timetable.

Q: What do I do if my child is ill and cannot attend school?

A: Please call school and leave a message on the absence line. Please give your child’s full name, year group, a reason why they are off and when you expect them to return. Please call every day they are absent. Please provide a note upon their return which your child will need to give to their Form Tutor. If your child is absent and we do not receive a message, we will call you and conduct a home visit where appropriate.

Q: How do I log on to Synergy?

A: Your child and you will both receive log on details and instructions about how to log on and Synergy once the school year begins.

Q: When do I get to come into school to speak to the teachers about my child’s progress?

A: You attend school in the first half term for our Life @ Deyes evening where you get to hear from key staff such as your child’s Head of Year 7. You also get to meet your child’s Form Tutor to see how they are settling in. Later in the year there is our parent consultation evening which we have for all year groups. On this evening you will have made pre-arranged slots to meet your child’s subject teachers to see how they are progressing.

Q: What do I do if my child has special educational needs and they might need some additional support?

A: You may have already spoken to our SENCO team if your child has a diagnosed special educational need. SEND Senior Leader Mrs K Ainsworth or SENCO Mrs Maher will send an email and letter to introduce themselves. They meet Year 6 teachers and SENCOs from primary school to gain all the information we will need to plan for your child and ensure all staff are aware of any additional needs or requirements. We will also arrange to meet SEND parents/carers and pupils early in September to ensure support plans and relevant tests have been carried out in order to support your child in their transition and afterwards. If you have any questions, please email transition@deyeshigh.com or call 0151 526 3814. Please see our SEND webpages for general information.

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