Last week, BBC Bitesize School Tour visited Deyes High School to raise awareness of the opportunities available in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Our year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students enjoyed the interactive careers show.
The tour, produced by BBC Children’s and Education, is designed to inspire young people to achieve their goals and help realise their ambitions.
The visit was organised by the Deyes Careers team as part of their world of work events programme.
Mohammed Salim Patel, who's known as 'The Blind Journalist', and Sarah Wren, a BBC Tester who has dyslexia, talked to our Y7-10 students about overcoming barriers and achieving their ambitions.
A Y7 student said: "I really enjoyed hearing about Mohammed and Sarah's experiences and how they achieved their career dreams and also learning about different job roles at the BBC".
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