Deyes Careers Festival


Deyes High School held a successful annual Careers Festival on Friday 23 September. Students from Years 9 to 13 plus parents met representatives from over 50 apprenticeship, training, voluntary, further and higher education providers from across the region to get advice and information on various careers.

A​ Year 11 student said: "I really enjoyed the event and spoke to lots of different organisations about volunteering, training and employment opportunities available to me. I now know a lot more about my future options and it will help me decide on my next steps."

A​ Year 9 parent added: "This is a great event and my son and I have enjoyed learning about future opportunities together. Thank you!"

Mrs. Dainton King, Career Manager said: "Thank you to all providers for supporting our hugely successful Careers Festival today. Hundreds of students and their parents have attended the event and have been inspired by future education and employment options!"

T​hank you to the following organisations for your support:

Click below
for admission

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