Curriculum Implementation

Physical Education structures the curriculum into a 3-year Key Stage 3, a 2 year KS4 and a 2 year KS5 curriculum. The PE curriculum is a progressive model.

Subject specialists have given consideration and thought to the sequence and rationale of the curriculum; why we teach the content we do and in the order that we do. This is to ensure knowledge is not isolated information; it is connected knowledge that enables comprehension.

At Key Stage 3, the full National Curriculum is delivered. The Physical Education curriculum is organised into units. Each unit builds on prior knowledge allowing connections to be made and enables knowledge to be transferable. In Physical Education we believe this facilitates deeper comprehension. The units chosen focus on developing deeper understanding and capacity for skilful performance.

At Key Stage 4, the full National Curriculum is delivered in Core PE lessons. For those students who select PE as an option subject, the GCSE (EDUQAS) and Sports and Coaching principles (WJEC) are delivered. Both are structured into units and topics. The curriculum for both courses cover movement through the structure and functions of the skeletal, joints and muscular systems. They also learn about the effect of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, components and methods of training to improve performance. Each lesson builds on prior learning, allowing connections to be made between content. Units have been organised and designed to promote learning and provide depth and breadth of understanding

At Key Stage 5 the A-Level PE (EDUQAS) is delivered. Content is structured into units which are delivered in components of the course. This develops a synoptic understanding of the content. The topic areas include Analysis of Performance, Acquisition of Skill, Anatomy & Physiology, Sports Psychology and Sport and Society. The curriculum is designed to ensure students develop an in depth understanding of topics. This also equips students to apply their knowledge in a range of activities. Each lesson builds on prior learning, allowing connections to be made between content. Units have been organised and designed to promote learning and provide depth and breadth of understanding.

Student voice has been conducted to ensure that students have a contribution to the curriculum content. This has resulted in the range of sporting activities being adapted.

The Physical Education Department is a member of the Association for Physical Education and works alongside the School Improvement Partners to quality assure our curriculum and ensure that it provides a high quality and comprehensive curriculum for all.

Pedagogical approach

The pedagogical approach for Physical Education adheres to the LLT Teaching and Learning Policy. Subject specialists deliver the Physical Education curriculum through50 ,55-minute lessons per fortnight

Rosenshine and ‘Teach Like a Champion’ strategies are implemented in all lessons and lesson episodes are designed to enable students to store knowledge into the long-term memory.


Tasks and activities are engaging and whenever possible are linked to local context, careers and progression and develop cultural capital. Examples include the range of sports that are offered to students and the courses that can lead to careers in the health and leisure industries.

Lessons are structured to enable students to review/retrieve prior knowledge and activate it to make connections with new learning. This is through ‘Do It Now’ tasks at the start of each lesson

In each lesson, students are informed what they are learning and what the outcomes for the lesson are. We call these ‘WALT’ (What we are all learning today,) and ‘WILF’ (What I’m Looking For.)

New information is delivered in small steps and models are provided to support student comprehension. This is evident where students are provided with developmental models for skill development in all practical activities, where students are learning new skills in sports.

Lessons provide opportunities for students to practice applying their new learning. This may include guided and/or independent practice.

Questioning is used to inform adaptive teaching, and this includes techniques such as ‘right is right’ to ensure students accurately and clearly articulate their responses.

Students are asked to complete practical based activities in all lessons these assist in the development of theoretical knowledge. Examples of this include skill classification or forces.

Students develop essential knowledge and then apply it in activities that ‘bring it all together.’ This ensures they connect knowledge and learning.

We assess an ever expanding curriculum. Assessment takes place in the form of formative and summative assessment tasks. These are carefully considered and link directly to the curriculum intent for the half term. Summative assessment samples from the whole curriculum to date – not just what has been most recently taught.

Clear ‘essential knowledge reading’ activities are provided to support reading development and provide depth and breadth to the curriculum.


In Physical Education teachers clearly communicate their subject discipline using appropriate vocabulary. This includes the use of command words, vocabulary lists, Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary. Physical Education reading materials are carefully selected to develop reading and comprehension skills and academic reading is being embedded into planning documents.

In Physical Education we provide opportunities for students to ‘bring together’ knowledge developed. This is through extended writing tasks such as essay writing.

To develop oracy the Physical Education uses:

Social and Emotional elements such as working with others and listening and responding in order to develop practical elements of their work.

Physical elements in order to effectively work in teams and lead others. Body language and voice fluency and projection.

The PE department takes part in a wide variety of fixtures and tournaments throughout the year in a variety of sports and events. We lead whole school events such as inter form and sports day. Athletes compete in Sefton Schools Athletics championships each year.

The department offer Ski Trips in different countries such as France, Austria and Italy. We are looking into expanding our offer in the future and explore cultural experiences such as water sports, basketball, football and netball trips.

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